Granatvägen 8, Boden

Approx. 730 sqm on two levels and approx. 200 sqm Garage.

Very well maintained and renovated premises in impeccable condition! Adapted for the current business upon acquisition in 2008. Then the roof was inspected and snow guards was installed. Repainted in 2009 and 2019. Elevator installed in 2018 to facilitate goods handling.

These large, well-ventilated premises that are heated by geothermal energy via 4-5 boreholes, which contributes, together with the fact that all lighting has been replaced with LED, to very good energy efficiency. The lower level contains a shop/reception area, staff areas, offices and warehouse areas as well as some assembly and grinding workshop. The upper level is mainly storage and assembly.

Notably, one of Boden’s only two functioning clock towers is located in the property. An electromechanical marvel that will forever put the property on the map.

The large garage building of approx. 200 square meters was built in the summer of 2013 by the local house manufacturer Vittjärvshus. The garage is also heated by geothermal energy.

New fiber via Boden’s Stadsnät is underway. Today, the fiber internet connection is delivered by the local communication company ComDate.

ATTENTION! The property Grantvägen 8 is shown ONLY after agreement with the broker and property owner, as the premises are currently security classified.

Link to the broker’s ad: Granatvägen 8 – Jonas Nilsson Fastighetsförmedling (


Granatvägen 1 & 3, Boden

Now you have the opportunity to acquire a property with two buildings near central Boden. The buildings were built in the 1930s under the auspices of the armed forces and have in recent years been used for café operations (”Retro Cafe”), sales and flea markets.

Granatvägen 1

Approx. 200 sq.m. The red house has two saunas and an associated wet room to house a shower and changing facilities. The upper floor at Granatvägen 1 has a kitchen and two larger rooms, plus a separate entrance via stairs from the other side of the house.

Granatvägen 3

A total of approx. 450 square meters can easily be adapted to offices or similar. The building has a large garage on two levels with a traverse on the upper level. Both buildings have significantly increased wall thickness. These buildings are connected to Boden’s central heating. No leakage from the roof! The buildings are old and out of date but well functioning. The future owner may consider knocking out interior walls or building new ones. The property also includes a renovated earthen cellar and two simple wooden sheds. The property has a large plot and it borders property 56:43 (Granatvägen 8). The road between the properties Granatvägen 1 & 3 and Granatvägen 8 is owned by the property owner and can therefore be removed if desired.

Link to the broker’s ad: Granatvägen 1 – Jonas Nilsson Fastighetsförmedling (